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Local Transportation Information
Gastonia Municipal Airport
The Gastonia Municipal Airport is located off Union Road in the City of Gastonia, and presently has no commercial flights.

For further Gastonia Aviation information please call (704) 864-4363.

Charlotte-Douglas International Airport
Charlotte-Douglas International Airport is located off Billy Graham Parkway in Charlotte, North Carolina. (From Dallas, take I-85 north to exit 36).

For airline information and reservations call:

 American Airlines  (800) 433 -7300
 Delta Airlines  (800) 221-1212
 Northwest/KLM  (800) 225-2525
 US Airways  (800) 428-4322

Ride Sharing
From Charlotte to Gaston County
Several public and private bus systems and vanpools in the Charlotte metropolitan region operate commuter transit and special-event transportation to 'Uptown' Charlotte from surrounding suburbs, including possible destinations in Gaston County.

Park-and-ride facilities are available.
Charlotte Department of Transportation
600 East 4th Street
Charlotte, NC  28202-2870

Ph: (704) 336-RIDE
Ph: (704) 336-3897
Human Services Transportation
Gaston County's Access Transportation provides subscription rides and dial-a-ride bus services.

General public passengers may ride the access bus on a space-available basis and for a fee.

Gaston County Access Transportation coordinates some wheelchair trips to the City of Gastonia Transit ADA.
Gaston County Access Transportation
401 North Highland St.
Gastonia, NC  28052

Ph: (704) 866-3206
Ph2: (704) 866-3207
Fx: (704) 866-3232

Monday - Friday
6:00 am - 6:00 pm

Copyright © Town of Dallas, North Carolina - 2018-20