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Crime Prevention
The Dallas Police Department is fully committed to serve the citizens who live in Dallas, as well as those who visit or travel through our community, or who frequent our businesses and places of interest. The absolute commitment to pro-active service is at the core of our Mission. However, we will all achieve greater levels of safety, security and peace of mind when we work as a team. The following are a few suggestions to consider:

  • Always lock your vehicle doors and do not leave valuables visible within the interior. Packages are best maintained within the trunk or hidden from view.
  • Park in well-lit areas when possible and away from blind spots, remote or inactive areas.
  • Do not leave a purse or wallet unattended in your shopping cart.
  • Take photos of your valuables, as well as documenting their serial numbers. Consider adding an Owner Applied Number (such as your driver's license number) to items of value as well. Keep this identifying data safely filed away in case of theft.
  • Frequently change your passwords which allow internet access to your accounts, and avoid using simple or common passwords. Refrain from using the same password for all of your accounts.

For more specific crime prevention tips, or if you are seeking assistance with interior or exterior security design measures, or if you would like more information on crime prevention, please contact the Dallas Police Department at (704)922-3116.  

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